
IP R1 P1: If I Didn't Have You

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Adin-Jenks's avatar

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Skyler stalked the hallways of Inkling's Palace. Its open design and vaulted ceilings impressed Adin causing Skyler to be alright with the building instead of outright hating it.  "It's kind of nice being able to look out wherever I please," she thought to herself trying to give herself a reason to like it.  With a sigh she turned on her heel and went to her room.  She'd forgotten to leave the stupidly heavy what's-it in her room.  The little keys and metal frame seemed intricate, but the symbols on top of the keys meant absolutely nothing to her.  She pulled it around so she could take a better look at it.  The symbols looked sort of like some of the ones she had seen in the witch's grimoire.  She wondered idly if the smallish device may have had something to do with magic at one time.

"It's a typewriter," Adin said loudly causing Skyler to flinch.  It was obvious that neither of them were accustomed to their predicament.  

"Do you always have to be so loud?" the were-panther hissed.  Adin was grateful that everyone was in the same boat as they were. They all had to seem pretty schizophrenic to be talking to seemingly nothing the way that they were.

"Who are you anyway?  Did someone magic you into my head?" Skyler asked turning around in the hopes of seeing the ever elusive voice.

"We'll say yes," Adin said not wanting to put poor Skyler into shock.  It really was unfortunate that her character wasn't aware of being a character.
"My name is Adin.  I've been sent here to help you on this journey to else-when," she added in her best sooth-sayer voice.

"Well, what if I don't need your help?!" the blonde asked angrily as she half-jogged to her room. "Is this stupid What's-it yours?" she snapped.

"You mean the typewriter…kind of," Adin replied as Skyler opened the door only to see a lavender door on the other side.

"What in the?" They said together as the door opened to reveal the Inkling. He tipped his hat courteously before speaking.

"Miss Skyler, it is with utmost pleasure that I invite you to the first game of my party," he said.

"What kind of a game?" Adin asked.  She was appalled when she remembered that the Inkling couldn't hear her. "Locked in this stupid cat's consciousness," she thought.  

"Ask him what sort of game Skyler," she demanded.

"What is it?" Skyler asked. The Inkling looked disappointed at Skyler's question.  Thus far, everyone had seemed rather excited about his games.

"Well, this time your game is just a little sparring match.  Nothing too physical. I just wanted to see how in shape all of you are for the next game," he said in a mock-hurt voice.

"I'm game," Skyler said earnestly.  She didn't mind sparring.  It was fighting she minded.  She simply didn't like it.  The Inkling clapped his hands together.

"Oh splendid, I do think you will get on well with your opponent for this game," he said, "I've left your invitation in your room. Ta ta Skyler," he sang stepping backwards into the lavender door and closing it.  The door lingered for a moment before disappearing to allow the were-panther access to her room. She strode across the room to the little lilac envelope that lay on her nightstand. She tore it open and looked blankly at the symbols that graced the page.

Adin was horrified to remember that Skyler could not read. This in itself hindered her ability to read for Skyler and tell her what it said.  "Opponent, game, Astrid, Munch, Best, Inkling" she thought reading what she was able.

"Astrid and Munch will be our opponents this round," Adin supplied scared that she'd lost so much to Skyler already, "Check the back and see if there are any pictures," she added. Skyler did as she was told and flipped the page to see a blonde cyborg-looking girl wearing a black hat with large green eyes.

"This should be interesting,"Adin mumbled. "There goes any alone time I thought I had here," Skyler thought before remembering that Adin had caused her not to have any at all.

"Is there any way that you will leave me alone?" Skyler asked abruptly.

"The only way is us finishing this journey," she said authoritatively.
Part One: here
Part Two: [link]

Part One for Round One of :iconinklingsparty:. Against :iconwhobuddyrose:.

I know there isn't much action but that will come soon enough.

The Inkling- ~InklingsParty
Skyler Granmason- ~Adin-Jenks
Astrid and Munch- ~WhoBuddyRose
© 2010 - 2024 Adin-Jenks
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shatteredvirtues's avatar
this is really interesting. I've heard of characters being composed of two people but never two separate people joined in this way. i look forward to part 2 ^^